When it comes to video views on social media, Instagram Reels takes the lead over TikTok, according to a recent video performance analysis by Emplifi. The data reveals that Reels not only outperforms TikTok but also surpasses regular video uploads on Facebook.

The analysis shows that longer Reels clips tend to perform the best in terms of views. Short Reels earn a median of 6,145 views, while medium-length Reels earn a median of 7,830 views. This indicates that user engagement and attention are higher for longer-form content on Instagram.

Furthermore, Facebook Reels, the video feature on the popular social media platform, also sees significant success, with more than three times the number of median views compared to other video uploads on the platform. Brands can take advantage of this trend by optimizing their Reels strategy to increase video views and boost their social media presence.

Key Takeaways:

  • Instagram Reels drive more views than TikTok, making it an effective choice for brands looking to increase video views.
  • Longer Reels clips perform the best, earning a median of 7,830 views.
  • Facebook Reels outperform regular video uploads on the platform, attracting three times the number of median views.
  • Brands should focus on creating longer, engaging Reels content to optimize video views and boost their social media presence.
  • By leveraging the popularity and reach of Reels, brands can effectively increase their video views on Instagram and Facebook.

Please note that the image should be placed in a visually appealing and relevant position within the content, but only in the center.

The Popularity of Reels over TikTok

When it comes to video views, Instagram Reels has been dominating TikTok, despite the latter’s hyped popularity. Emplifi’s analysis of brand profiles on both platforms revealed that Reels consistently outperforms TikTok in terms of view counts. This indicates that Reels is favored by users and the algorithms on Instagram and TikTok, making it a smart choice for brands aiming to increase their video views.

To optimize your Reels video views and make the most out of this growing trend, there are a few key strategies you can implement:

  1. Create longer Reels clips: Emplifi’s research shows that longer Reels perform better in terms of video views. longer Reels earn a median of 7,830 views compared to short Reels with a median of 6,145 views. By investing in longer content, you’ll likely see an improvement in your Reels video views.
  2. Focus on content optimization: Make sure your Reels content is optimized for maximum engagement. This includes using attention-grabbing captions, utilizing trending hashtags, and adding compelling visuals or effects. By creating high-quality, engaging content, you’ll increase the chances of attracting more views.

By following these strategies, you can improve your Reels video views and leverage the popularity of this feature on Instagram. Take advantage of the user preference for Reels and the platform algorithms to boost your brand’s visibility and engagement.

Reaping the Benefits of Reels on Instagram

Emplifi’s research reveals that Instagram Reels not only outperform videos on other platforms but also deliver six times the reach of Instagram Stories. Despite this, brands still post more Stories than Reels. To optimize Reels video views on Instagram, you should prioritize creating entertaining and valuable content that keeps viewers engaged. The data shows that audiences respond positively to longer videos, so incorporating longer-form Reels into your social media campaigns can significantly impact your reels video views growth strategy.

When it comes to reels video views optimization, it is important to understand what types of content resonate with your audience the most. Analyzing your insights and metrics will provide valuable insights into audience preferences and behavior. Use these insights to tailor your content strategy and focus on creating engaging reels that align with the interests and preferences of your target audience.

Engaging Content Ideas for Instagram Reels

  • Create tutorial videos to showcase your products or services
  • Share behind-the-scenes footage to give your audience an exclusive look
  • Collaborate with influencers or other brands to expand your reach
  • Share user-generated content to leverage the power of social proof
  • Highlight customer testimonials and success stories
  • Offer tips, tricks, or hacks related to your industry

By diversifying your content and providing value to your audience, you can enhance your reels video views strategy and increase the likelihood of your content being shared and discovered by a wider audience on Instagram.

reels video views growth

Maximizing the Potential of Reels on Instagram

Capitalizing on the full potential of Reels requires more than just creating engaging content. It also involves leveraging Instagram’s various features and tools to help boost your reel video views. Here are a few ways to optimize your reels video views growth:

  1. Use relevant hashtags: Including popular and niche-specific hashtags in your Reels can help improve discoverability and attract a broader audience.
  2. Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers who have a large following can help expose your Reels to a wider audience and potentially increase your video views.
  3. Promote your Reels across other platforms: Share your Reels on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn to drive more traffic and increase views.
  4. Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage viewers to share your Reels. This interaction can help increase engagement, which in turn can boost your video views.
  5. Optimize your video thumbnails: Creating eye-catching and compelling thumbnails for your Reels can grab viewers’ attention and entice them to click and watch your content.

By implementing these strategies and consistently creating high-quality, engaging content, you can optimize your Reels video views and maximize your reach on Instagram.

Comparing Reels and Stories: Driving Video Views

The table below highlights the stark difference in video views between Instagram Reels and Instagram Stories:

Platform Reels Stories
Median Video Views 6,145 1,020
Reach 6x

Instagram vs. TikTok Video Lengths

In the realm of video content, the length of the video plays a significant role in capturing viewers’ attention and driving engagement. Emplifi’s analysis reveals an interesting contrast in how video lengths impact the performance of Reels on Instagram and TikTok.

On Instagram, the length of a Reels video can have a direct impact on the number of views it receives. Longer Reels, exceeding the standard time limit, tend to generate more views compared to shorter and medium-length Reels. The data suggests that Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes longer Reels videos, offering brands a tactical advantage in increasing their video views on the platform.

Conversely, on TikTok, video lengths seem to have less influence on overall video views. TikTok’s algorithm appears to maintain consistent visibility for videos regardless of their duration. This means that brands can optimize video content on TikTok by focusing on other factors such as creativity, relevance, and audience engagement without being overly concerned about video length.

For brands looking to maximize their reach and engagement on Instagram, leveraging the platform’s preference for longer Reels videos is crucial. By creating compelling and captivating content that resonates with their target audience, brands can increase the likelihood of their videos receiving higher view counts and driving organic growth on the platform.

To summarize, the ideal video length strategy varies between Instagram and TikTok. While longer videos perform better on Instagram, TikTok’s algorithm places less emphasis on video length. By understanding these nuances and tailoring content accordingly, brands can fine-tune their video marketing approach on each platform and optimize their reels video views.

reels video views tactics

Facebook Reels Performance

When it comes to video performance on social media platforms, Facebook Reels proves to be a powerful tool for brands looking to optimize and improve their video views. According to Emplifi’s analysis, Facebook Reels perform similarly to their Instagram counterparts, with longer Reels consistently gaining more reach compared to shorter lengths.

In fact, Facebook Reels outperform other video content on the platform, attracting more than three times the number of median views. This presents a significant opportunity for brands to boost their video views and engage with a larger audience on Facebook.

To take full advantage of the popularity of Reels on Facebook, brands should consider incorporating them into their video marketing strategy. By aligning their content with the preferences of Facebook’s algorithm and users, they can optimize their video views and attract more attention to their brand.

To illustrate the performance of Facebook Reels, here is a comparison table showcasing the median video views of different types of video content on the platform:

Type of Video Content Median Video Views
Facebook Reels More than 3 times the number of median views compared to other video content
Other Video Content on Facebook Lower median views compared to Facebook Reels

As shown in the table, Facebook Reels have a clear advantage in terms of video views compared to other types of video content on the platform. By leveraging the potential of Reels on Facebook, brands can optimize their video views and drive higher engagement.

Now that you understand the performance of Facebook Reels, let’s move on to the next section to explore the key findings and conclusions of our analysis.


Emplifi’s research clearly highlights the enormous potential of Instagram Reels in driving higher video views, outperforming TikTok and other platforms. To maximize your video views and boost your social media presence, it is crucial for brands to focus on creating longer and engaging Reels content.

By adapting your content strategy and leveraging the opportunities offered by Reels, you can reach a larger audience and generate more video views. The data shows that audiences respond positively to longer videos, so investing time and effort in creating captivating Reels is key to increasing your video views.

Incorporating Instagram Reels into your social media strategy will not only help you connect with your target audience but also enhance your brand’s visibility. With the right approach and optimization, you can harness the power of Reels to achieve higher engagement and reel in more views for your videos.


How do Instagram Reels perform compared to TikTok?

According to Emplifi’s analysis, Instagram Reels drive more views than TikTok. Longer Reels clips perform the best, with short Reels earning a median of 6,145 views and medium-length Reels earning a median of 7,830 views.

Why are Reels more popular than TikTok?

Emplifi’s analysis shows that Reels consistently outperform TikTok in terms of view counts, indicating that Reels is favored by users and algorithms on both platforms. To increase Reels video views, brands should focus on creating longer Reels clips and optimizing their content for maximum engagement.

How can I optimize Reels video views on Instagram?

To optimize Reels video views on Instagram, brands should prioritize creating entertaining and valuable content that keeps viewers engaged. The data shows that audiences respond positively to longer videos, so brands should consider incorporating longer-form Reels into their social media campaigns.

Do video lengths matter on Instagram and TikTok?

Emplifi’s analysis found that video lengths matter on Instagram but are less important on TikTok. Longer Instagram Reels generate more views compared to shorter and medium-length Reels, while TikTok video views remain consistent regardless of video length.

How well do Facebook Reels perform?

Facebook Reels perform similarly to Instagram Reels, with longer Reels generating more reach compared to shorter lengths. Facebook Reels outperform other video content on the platform, attracting more than three times the number of median views.

What is the key takeaway from Emplifi’s research?

Emplifi’s research demonstrates the potential of Reels in driving higher video views compared to TikTok and other platforms. By focusing on creating longer, engaging Reels content, brands can optimize their video views and boost their social media presence.